Written by Abraham @Worlda
It could be an amazing experience to teach English
in China. You get a sense of achievement by offering you knowledge, you
experience and your creation to help people far away in the east to develop
their personality, enlarge their knowledge, and become more open minded. Also
by offering your value, you also gain precious life experience, happy moments,
and accumulate knowledge and experience for your future career.
However, it is also not seldom, that ESL teacher in
China sometimes get frustrated and confused, when they are dealing with Chinese
students. We are here trying to help you know more about Chinese students and
understand them better by comparing them to Western students. Ready? Let’s Dive
3 differences between
Chinese students and Western students:
Generally speaking, Chinese students are not that
into interaction with someone at the first time. They wouldn’t express much
there. But once they know you better, or see you as their people, they could be
very close to you, closer than in the western cases. As a teacher in China, it
is quite normal, that your students “fear” you to some extent. It is more usual
to see in China than Western, that students fear and respect their teachers,
this has something to do with the culture, so your students would be “shy” in
front of you, we would suggest that you could try to be more amiable and funny,
and try things to make them laugh. Then they could be more likely to open to
you, and not that shy anymore. Also as a teacher, you are seen as a boss in
front of your students, at most of the time, it could be very natural for you
to take the first step: ask, suggest, lead, and plan something.
Working Hard
Chinese society used to have a national system of
examination (Kequ System) for thousands of years, in which people from lower class could
get a chance to go up, and then “contribute” to the country with dignity, once
they get a good score on the special exams. Nowadays, another examination
system (Gaokao System) functions with similar effect. These have an impact on
Chinese mentality and values. “Study hard!”, “Get a good result in exam!” are
highly evaluated in Chinese society.
Compared to Western students, Chinese spend more
time in their studies. As a ESL teacher, it would be very nice of you to have
the urge to make your students feel more relaxed and enjoy life more, to
achieve this, there are many ways, e.g. make your class more interesting, give
your students a happy moment at learning, give some advice to them on how to
study more effectively and smartly, how to enjoy the process of learning and
studying. But it is not recommended to encourage your Chinese students to go
against the examination, against the school, or even their parents, for a
practical reason, but also in view of our own limitation of judgment to see
things totally clear. To summarize the suggestions for this topic: Know more
about it, be open minded, helpful and constructive, don’t create friction or
In Chinese schools, some highly controversial
conducts are there, which could be defined in Western as Plagiarism. But before
we go into the direction of judging, we stop here to turn to another direction:
to understand it more, and do something about it.
In some cases, some Chinese students could do
something which could be defined as plagiarism in Western, but they have no awareness
of it. E.g. They write something without giving citation. In this case, we
would recommend that you, as a teacher, don’t throw out something as judgment,
but help your students form a now habit, which could help them perform better,
same example by citation, you could say, if we cite, it could help us in the
future trace back the valuable information which we have used, which could help
us perform more effectively.
In some other cases, some Chinese students violate
intentionally. In these cases, it is recommended to make an agreement with your
students on the rules and consequences in advance, be sure that your students
know the content, and let them express their consent in some way. A
step-by-step warning and punishing system could be contained in this agreement
and conducted accordingly.
So we’ve finished the suggestion part, wish you a
great time in China. More tips and suggestions for working in China will follow
soon, please stay tuned!
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