
Apartment hunting tips for who work and teach in China [Accommodation]

Written by Luke @Worlda

Almost every newcomer to Guangzhou has faced a problem that is how to find somewhere nice to live in this crowded megapolis. Guangzhou is a very busy city, its population is 13.5 million, the 6th largest in China and its GDP is 1810 billion Rmb, which is the 3rd largest in China. Although there are a lot of jobs oppurtunites, competition and pressure are also intense, in order to survive in this city, people need to work really hard and you are likely to be really tired after work, considering this, it is very important for people to have a comfortable place to stay and have a good rest after finishing their job. Normally in Guangzhou, outcomers are not able to purchase real estate due to extremely high prices, so the next best choices for them would be renting an apartment. The apartments leasing business is big in Guangzhou and becoming larger as more newcomers reside in the city. There are many different kinds of apartments and the qualities have a large range. So for those who are going to be an ESL teacher in Guangzhou, I am going to talk about some basic knowledge of renting.
       For almost every apartment in Guangzhou, furnitures are included; here is a list for some basic items:
A double bed                        Air conditioner
A mattress                          Wardrobe


Gas nob
/ Induction cooker                          
Living room
Table and chairs
Adequate lighting
Washing Machine

4 common ways to find a leasing apartment
go straight to an agency because they have a lot of resources, agencies tent to do things properly that you don’t need to worry about lies and traps, but the bad part is agencies ask for a quite amount of money (usually as much as half month rent) for doing their job.
you can walk around the city and look for apartments with phone numbers writing on their wall or a board in front of the building, this way saves you many money and it takes more time and stamina.
more and more people start using on-line local forum for searching because it is easy and quick, but put in mind, internet is a place full of traps and fraud information.
you may know some friends who can share information with you, or they even manage to find you somewhere nice.
Next step, you should be considering the price problems, in Guangzhou, the closer an apartment is from downtown, the more expensive the apartment is, so you need to pick a location and investigate the leasing price of the district.
From Experienced ESL Teachers, in order to give you more details about the actual situation, we did an interview with a current ESL teacher in Guangzhou, here is the Q&A:
Q: How long have you lived in China?
A: I have lived in China since Febuary 2016, so it has been 8 months.
Q: How do you find your current apartment?
A: Currently I live in a studio my company WORLDA helped me to find.
Q: Are you satisfied with your current stay?
A: Yes. It is big enough and really cheap.
Q: what are your advices for the new teachers?
A: My advice is to look on Guangzhou stuff on facebook, and find a housemate who has already lived here, they can show you around and it is more fun and cheaper. The subway system runs well so you will usually be able to get to work on time.
These are some tips for Guangzhou’s new teachers on house renting. Thanks for taking your time reading my article. I hope you all can settle down well and nicely in the city and have a good fortune on work and life.

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