Written by David @
Greetings, soon-to-be
ESL Teachers:
Give a glance to it if
you are wondering not only what to prepare before departure to China but also
what is daily teaching life looks like after spending a few months in China. A
routine interview was given to a teacher who claimed to have received a fantastic
help from his company after a couple of month teaching. Fortunately for him, he
received a very best assistance from his company which sent a team called
“Customer Service Department” as known as a HR team. The interview for the
teacher began in a classroom where he usually sends his students away every
day. Instead of having a free style chat the interview was started by asking
and answering some designed questions as below:
Ø “Q: What do you like or dislike about the job?
A: Likes: I like the
autonomy, way of creating the lessons. I also like the students because they
are willing to practice and excise their skills. The school colleagues and
Chinese colleagues are the best also the teaching schedule.
Dislikes: the weather,
Guangzhou is really hot and humid also artificial. Hot weather makes people
lack of sleep. The position may have got changed after one-year contract end.
Ø Q: Do you think you have control of
your class in general? (class management)
A: yeah, in general. Rapport, they value you as a person rather than a
teacher. It is necessary to keep the instruction clear and simple. Capture any
chance to challenge the students to make them genuinely are interested. Point
system with younger kids is very helpful. In addition, try to push your
students a bit of further making them aware the meaning of the challenges. PPTs
make students are visually occupied.
Q: What are the effective activities
you often use to incorporate into teaching? (Eg. games, crafts, chants, songs,
situational activity, survey and etc.)
A: The activities are used usually included :
A4 size paper producing;
Critical thinking questions;
Role play;
Group discussion;
Students bring up topics;
Problem finding solution;
Student teaching a lesson;
Q: Do you think your students understand the rules of your
games or other activities?
A: Not every student. Always expect high-level students answer the questions
from general to complex. In fact, sometimes student do get lost in the lesson.
Do making examples as many as possible, also write up something important on
the board
Isn't that great to
keep the standing communication with your team smooth and frequent? This way,
it helps your teaching life much easier and your career develop rapidly.
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our blog!
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