
Guangzhou Worlda Daily: Listening Skills

How Can Good Listening Skills Improve Your Performance at Work?
Good listening skills will help make you a more productive worker. They will allow you to:
better understand assignments and what your boss expects of you;
build rapport with co-workers, bosses, and clients since everyone craves understanding;
show support for others;
work better in a team-based environment;
resolve problems with customers, co-workers and bosses;
answer questions; and
uncover the true meaning of what others are saying.
How to Be an Active Listener and Look Like One
Many people aren't born with good listening skills. Even those who are great listeners sometimes engage in behaviors that make them appear to not be paying attention. The following tips will help you learn how to be an active listener as well as look like one:

Maintain Eye Contact: When you are looking someone in the eye, you have no choice but to pay attention. And there will be no question about whether you are.
Don't Interrupt the Speaker: Save your questions and comments until the speaker finishes talking and you are able to digest his or her words.
Sit Still: Fidgeting makes you look bored.
Nod Your Head: This indicates to the speaker that you are taking in the information he or she is conveying.
Be Attentive to Non-Verbal Cues: Paying attention to what the speaker doesn't say is as important as being attentive to his or her words. Look for non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and posture to get the full gist of what information the speaker is conveying.
Lean Toward the Speaker: You will appear to be, and actually will be, engaged.
Repeat Instructions and Ask Appropriate Questions: Once the speaker has finished talking, repeat his or her instructions to confirm that you understand them. This is also a good time to ask questions if you have any.
Barriers to Listening
Following the tips should help you become a better listener but you should be aware of barriers that might get in the way in some situations. Examples are:
your own biases or prejudices;
inability to understand the speaker because of a foreign accent;
inability to hear because of background noise;
worry, fear, or anger; and
a short attention span.
If you are faced with any of these roadblocks, you should try your best to overcome it. For example, if you are having trouble understanding a speaker because of a heavy accent, you can ask him or her to speak more slowly. If background noise is a problem, ask to move to a quieter place. It will take much more effort to conquer your own biases or prejudices but being aware of them is a good place to start.
Listening Starts Early
If you have children you know what it's like to feel like you're talking to a wall. Kids have an uncanny ability to appear to be listening to you while actually paying no attention at all. While this is something that may pass with age it is important to help children develop good listening skills early. They will do better in school and you will keep your sanity. As the SCANS report points out, good listening skills will prepare children to eventually succeed in the workforce. Here are some things you can do:
When you tell your child to do something, ask him to repeat your instructions.
Teach your child to maintain eye contact when talking to or listening to someone.
Read out loud to your child and then engage her in a conversation about what you have read.
Engage your child in age-appropriate activities that promote good listening skills.

