
The Difference between TEFL and TESOL

Is there any difference between TEFL and TESOL? The following essay is quoted from some Chinese stuff in Guangzhou Worlda, hope it will help you understand them better: It’s important to realize that the simple terms “TEFL” and “TESOL” have no official significance whatsoever. Consequently, the terms “TEFL Certificate” or “TES

OL Certificate” do not of themselves endow a certificate with recognition.
The best TEFL/TESOL training courses are externally validated, ie they are vetted and checked by a body that is officially recognized—such as UCLES (University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate). A good question to ask any course provider, therefore, is: “Is your course externally validated, and if so by whom?”
Three widely recognized certificates are the Cambridge CELTA, the Trinity CertTESOL and the SIT TESOL Certificate, though there are a growing number of other certificates that are reputable and well recognized.

